Easy to Use Imagery for Government Entities Across Georgia
The Georgia GIO is excited to announce access to statewide, high resolution (six-inch) aerial imagery to all government employees across Georgia to support every facet of our work across the State.
Nongovernmental entities, such as contractors, consultants, and private companies may also access the Imagery when working under current contract with a governmental entity.
Imagery is widely used throughout every level of government in Georgia, to support efforts such as economic development, infrastructure management, transportation planning, public works, public safety, tax assessment and emergency management.
This data provides access to more current and higher-resolution imagery than the majority of the State has ever had before.
The imagery covers the entire State and is for all government to use as a basemap to improve delivery of services to the citizens of Georgia. The Imagery is now available to all Georgia governmental entities, at no cost during the Pilot Program, thanks to the Department of Community Affairs and the Governor’s Office, which are covering the cost for the first year because they understand the value the imagery will provide State agencies, regional government, counties, and cities.
If the imagery proves valuable to you, please take time to tell us about it by sharing your success story. This helps us understand the benefits the imagery provides you and enables us to build a full support system around this resource.
To get started, click the “Request Imagery Access” button below
We highly recommend reading through the FAQ before requesting a unique personal link.