The Geospatal Information Office is seeking a Solutions Engineer.

This position will lead enterprise application (configurable, custom and COTS) and process development efforts in support of data management and geospatial analysis for the State. The Solutions Engineer will be a natural GIS evangelist who enjoys identifying and promoting GIS-based strategies to improve the way the State approaches its challenges. To further this goal, the Solutions Engineer will create the framework for a common operating data ecosystem that will enable holistic sharing and management of spatial data statewide, facilitating their use in analysis of government function and the best use of taxpayer dollars.

 The position will help configure/architect, then lead the development and implementation of, various applications and processes necessary to support the aggregation and dissemination of disparate data sources into statewide datasets. When applicable, this will include near real-time upkeep of data. Efforts will initially focus on the creation of vital statewide spatial datasets to support the State’s migration to a next generation 9-1-1 (NG911) ecosystem. In partnership with the Geospatial Information Officer and other Office team members, the Solutions Engineer will aid in the development of these mission-critical data by leading design and management of the backend infrastructure (cloud/on-prem), an assessment of migration-related data creation costs, the development of business processes, and identification of best practices. To achieve these goals, the Solution Engineer will work closely with our extensive contractor community to apply their expertise locally and expand public-private partnerships by leveraging technology to best utilize limited state resources.
 Mission critical NG911 GIS data will benefit numerous government functions at the local and State scale. The Solutions Engineer will develop situational awareness tools to analyze patterns and examine relationships regarding these government functions and the distribution of resources. The position will work closely with our team and partners to identify and leverage the geospatial tools necessary to satisfy multiple business objectives. Stated otherwise, the Solutions Engineer will facilitate data creation for NG911 while also identifying separate use-cases for these data in order to maximize taxpayer dollars. The Solutions Engineer will develop tools to share data appropriately, at scale, and with citizens when appropriate. In doing so, this position will help ensure maximum taxpayer value for a variety of established governmental functions, while simultaneously creating interfaces for all stakeholders, to ensure our citizens can easily navigate and find necessary information through the State’s GeoPortal.
For more information, click here.