In a recent post, the GIO praised Cobb County Government for showcasing the success of its enterprise GIS at Esri’s International User Conference. The feature image of that post (below) shows Cobb County GIS Manager, Jennifer Lana, exhibiting a Digital Twin of SunTrust Park, home of the Atlanta Braves, and the surrounding area. The image above is a colorized version of the Digital Twin that Cobb County presented at the User Conference. 

To produce the Digital Twin, Platinum Geomatics, in partnership with Cobb County GIS, developed a high-resolution terrestrial LiDAR model of the interior of SunTrust Park. This high-resolution scan was performed using a Leica P50 ScanStation. The resulting point cloud of SunTrust Park and The Battery, a residential and entertainment district developed directly adjacent to the ballpark, contains more 3.6 billion points of extremely accurate terrestrial LiDAR data.

The information collected by Platinum Geomatics has tremendous value. It provides Cobb County and the Atlanta Braves an accurate Building Information Model (BIM). BIM technology is transforming the way various infrastructure are designed, constructed and operated. The data may be used for a variety of tasks including routine infrastructure maintenance, facility reconfiguration for various events, ingress and regress planning, infrastructure inventory, viewshed analysis and event security.

Cobb County’s use of the digital twin is summarized in this post, and the County’s Esri User Conference presentation can be found here.